Bottoms Up!

Will D'Ovidio

As the co-owner of Aerial Arts of Rochester since 2010, William brings an innovative style and approach to teaching that allows people of all ages, levels, and abilities to do what is known as “cirque fitness.” In addition to instructing, he is a performer and coordinator for the UP! State Cirque Troupe, providing entertainment at corporate functions, fundraisers, and special events all across Western NY. In his younger years, William was introduced to fitness through training in the field of martial arts, earning his black belt by age eleven. As a result of his talent, he was afforded the opportunity to teach martial arts for the next ten years, training tournament champions alongside recreational students. Throughout college William focused on sports medicine, attaining a comprehensive understanding of human physiology and anatomy. He has been able to help many athletes and aerialists avoid injuries and succeed in their training. Prior to opening Aerial Arts of Rochester, William was a professional photographer and digital editor for the New York Times Magazine. He has been able to use his multi-media experience to contribute to the professionalism of the Aerial Arts brand. When transitioning back to his roots in the health and fitness industry, William trained under Olympic athlete Christine VanLoo, Cirque Du Soliel artist Ann Stimmel, and at many circus arts training schools across the U.S., including the reputable New England Center of Circus Arts. Through education, he continues to inspire others to follow their dreams of running away with the circus.


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